The Bloggs
29 July – 10 September 2017
Dunedin-based artist Nicola Jackson is known for her vivid use of colour, intricate detail, papier-mâché forms and her ongoing exploration of human anatomy. The Bloggs – a title that refers to the British colloquialism ‘Joe Bloggs’, to denote the typical everyday man – considers what it is that makes us human. Here, Jackson has created her version of an anatomy museum, filling vitrines and cabinets with a range of objects and adorning the walls with paintings. In these works Jackson has paired key anatomical elements with qualities that go beyond the physical but ultimately aid in classifying us as human.
The work is a continuation of her honours year installation An Art Anatomy Room exhibited in 1981.
Nicola Jackson was born in Dunedin in 1960. She has a Diploma of Fine Arts in Engraving and a Diploma of Fine Arts with Honours in Sculpture. She has been the recipient of a number of fellowships including the Rita Angus Artist in Residency, The Goethe Institute Scholarship and the Frances Hodgkins Fellowship (1994)
Nicola Jackson, Doppelgänger, 2016, painted pâpier-maché